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Kingston University
Relocate? No
I am a keen surfer and once surfed up a river
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Halesowen College
Relocate? No
I am interested in technology and innovation
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Brunel University London
Relocate? Yes
From Shahrukh Khan's city, I carry a deep love for Bollywood.
Ravensbourne University
Relocate? No
I like to bake brownies. Normal brownies.
Abhinav college of arts
South East
Relocate? No
An experienced Art Director working in the industry for over 9 years.
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Anglia Ruskin
North East
Relocate? Yes
Design grad with print and digital skills, Seeking Designer role.
Syracuse University
Relocate? Yes
I have 23 food allergies – one includes celery (which is 95% water)
University of Westminster
North West
Relocate? No
As a hobby, I collect old and unique coins and love antiques!
University officials f Hertfordshire
Relocate? No
I have a jungle of over 30 house plants in my room
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University for the Creative Arts
Relocate? No
Once I had an undefeated football season and met Gary Lineker
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Anglia Ruskin University
Relocate? No
I'm constantly trying to beat my time at the Wiki Game
Relocate? Yes
I love everything that moves, everything that instigates my eyes
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Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I have been playing Guitar since I was eight
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Kingston University
South East
Relocate? No
I have a twin sister who is born in a leap year.
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I own more kitchen appliances then I have kitchen space.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I'm a black belt and an amateur chef
University of Salford
North West
Relocate? No
I'm always on the lookout for cool mugs, I have a growing collection!
UWE Bristol
South West
Relocate? Yes
I am fascinated by mushrooms
Illustration by Felix
University of Groningen
Relocate? No
I can name every letter of the alphabet
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Access Creative College
Relocate? No
I spent 6 months illustrating and recreating the British Empire
Access Creative College
Relocate? No
I created a hypothetical company that allows you to litter guilt-free
University of West London
Relocate? Yes
Avid daily walker & knitting enthusiast. Very exciting time to be 22.
University of Huddersfield
North West
Relocate? Yes
Currently obsessed with collecting cute stationary and washi tapes!
Falmouth University
North West
Relocate? Yes
Lego fanatic
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? Yes
I design & make my own notepads and planners! Check out @bound.bylaura
Edinburgh Collage of Art
Relocate? Yes
I drove from the Uk to Mongolia in a Skoda Fabia Estate
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I'm a people's person. I love inspiring myself with and through others
Birmingham City University
Relocate? Yes
Featured in Vogue Italia as a mentee
Norwich university of the arts
North East
Relocate? Yes
I have a passion for spotting old a new initiative posters
Unitedworld institute of design
Relocate? Yes
Bike, basketball, loud voice and tomboyish behaviour all together.
Ravensbourne University
Relocate? No
I guess plants are kinda cool..very inspiring
Hereford College of Arts
South West
Relocate? No
I have stroked a stingray
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? No
Hobbies and outside interests : Formula 1, Tap Dance, Movies !
University of Huddersfield
North East
Relocate? Yes
I can play Jenga with my toes
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? No
My love of typography started when i discovered bubble writing (age 7)
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I love food more than I love myself. I might need therapy for that.
Nottingham Trent University
North East
Relocate? Yes
has an extreme passion for prawn cocktail crisps and dogs
Ravensbourne University London
Relocate? No
I like to try different ice cream shops nothing beats cookie dough yet
Arts University Bournemouth
Relocate? Yes
Andy Murray shouted at me once.
Loughborough University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I live in an old lemonade factory !
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? No
I am an avid plant collector. Some say foliage hoarder
Uxbridge College Level 3 Extended Diploma
Relocate? No
I was making YouTube videos at the age of 13
Ravensbourne University London
Relocate? No
I'm a vinyl enthusiast and have a strange addiction to baking shows
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
I am addicted to corduroy clothes.
Manchester Metropolitan University
North West
Relocate? No
Apparently I saw David Bowie in New York when I was 6.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? No
I've turned my front garden into an allotment.
University Of Huddersfield
North East
Relocate? No
I like cats.
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
I love post-it notes and I'm obsessed with colourful eyeliner.
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
It's not healthy. I'm addicted to social media. So I started a blog.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I love all things 'yella'!
University of Plymouth
South West
Relocate? Yes
Constant creator of new creative ideas... obsessed with music & films.
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I sing in my church choir but I'm no Susan Boyle
School of Communcation Arts 2.0
Relocate? Yes
Good sense of smell. I memorised all the main commercial fragrances.
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
Thought Clifford the Big Red Dog was my relation when I was younger!
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? No
A tea loving, dog obsessed gal who loves to be by the beach
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? No
I once snapped my knee ligaments skiing in France - pain was felt
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I have a large coin collection!
Norwich University of The Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I once competed for my County in a girls tug of war team!
Arts University Bournemouth
Relocate? Yes
Amateur tattooist (obsessed)
Loughborough University
Relocate? No
I have double-jointed fingers
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
Aged 6, I cracked my head open playing kiss-chase. Still have the scar
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
my blood is 65% garlic
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I can sound like Justin Beiber if you're severly deaf in both ears.