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Shout Out To Help Out placeholder image
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? No
My curiosity fuels the discovery of new and creative ideas
Abhinav college of arts
Relocate? Yes
Designer & art director with a focus on branding & Identity
Kingston University
Relocate? No
I am a keen surfer and once surfed up a river
Northumbria University
Relocate? Yes
Grave fear of horses, but if there was one standing between me and th
Arts University Bournemouth
South West
Relocate? Yes
i have a selfie with mac demarco
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Central Saint Martins
Relocate? No
Half French half New Zealander, born in NYC and raised in Switzerland!
Shout Out To Help Out placeholder image
Brunel University London
Relocate? Yes
From Shahrukh Khan's city, I carry a deep love for Bollywood.
University of Sheffield
South West
Relocate? Yes
Lived in 5 countries and a postcard collector
Ravensbourne University
Relocate? No
I like to bake brownies. Normal brownies.
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Anglia Ruskin
North East
Relocate? Yes
Design grad with print and digital skills, Seeking Designer role.
Arts University Bournemouth
Relocate? No
Big lover of drag and the over-the-top camp aesthetic
London College of Communication
Relocate? No
I heavily induce myself with the Korean creative culture!
University officials f Hertfordshire
Relocate? No
I have a jungle of over 30 house plants in my room
University Of hertfordshire
North West
Relocate? Yes
I'm a failed acrobat (I was hit by a car and did a front flip over it)
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University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
Passionate about travel and Taylor Swift!
Bachelor degree
North West
Relocate? Yes
Fighting battles with a smile since 2001.
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Anglia Ruskin University
Relocate? No
I'm constantly trying to beat my time at the Wiki Game
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Noel Baker Sixth
Relocate? No
I collect game consoles
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? No
I can wiggle my eyes
North Carolina State University
North East
Relocate? No
I moonlight as a food scientist 🔬
Manchester Metropolitan University
Relocate? Yes
I've been told I make the best Focaccia bread, I'm bake-off ready.
Ravensbourne University
Relocate? Yes
I have been to last 5 FIFA World Cups in person .
Ravensbourne University
South East
Relocate? No
Learning sign language, dogs, and baking are my main interests
University of the Arts London
Relocate? No
When I am up in the air, I'm an aspiring aerialist.
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Kingston University
South East
Relocate? No
I have a twin sister who is born in a leap year.
Northumbria University
Relocate? Yes
I recently found out I'm fourth cousins with George Michael....
Arts University Bournemouth
South West
Relocate? No
I have Lego worth more than my Car & I don't see a problem with that.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I'm an avid collector of things, potentially a hoarder in denial...
Nottingham Trent University
North West
Relocate? Yes
I'm a little obsessed with Sudoku, I'm not a-ma-zing, but it's fun!
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I once met Bradley Walsh on holiday in Portugal and he sang me a song
Arts University Bournemouth
Relocate? No
I met Mall Grab a couple of weeks ago. Great guy!
Norwich University of the Art's
Relocate? Yes
I'm a puzzle, hiking and handcraft enthusiast.
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
Hate to admit it but I've got a fear of butterflies!
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I'm Grade 5 in the trumpet, though admittedly I rarely play these days
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I dream in black and white
Edingburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
While watching Marvel's What If..., I drank half a bottle of whiskey.
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I own more kitchen appliances then I have kitchen space.
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? No
I have watched Doctor Who so many times I can recite specific scenes!
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? Yes
I'm a big fan of canoeing and fluent in two languages.
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? No
My feet are double jointed lol
University for creative arts
Relocate? Yes
I've been trying to sign up to become a sky diving instructor
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? No
I love Floristry, usually that's what I'm doing if I'm not designing!
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
Apart from staring at a screen, I love to cook, run, and exercise.
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? No
My favourite animal is a capybara, I adopted one called Jinx :)
University of Salford
North West
Relocate? No
I'm always on the lookout for cool mugs, I have a growing collection!
Loughborough University - BA Graphic Communication & Illustration
Relocate? No
Lover of all things film, music and food (especially sushi).
University of Plymouth
South West
Relocate? Yes
Love to challenge myself
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? Yes
I design & make my own notepads and planners! Check out @bound.bylaura
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I am a huge F1 fan and will watch every single race!
Loughborough University
Relocate? No
I appeared in an episode of ‘Science of Stupid’ with Richard Hammond.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I'm a people's person. I love inspiring myself with and through others
Loughborough University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I have a Brown Belt in Karate
Norwich university of the arts
North East
Relocate? Yes
I have a passion for spotting old a new initiative posters
Ravensbourne University
Relocate? Yes
I'm a huge nerd with a giant collection of Power Rangers collectibles.
Nottingham Trent University
North West
Relocate? Yes
I'm a passionate truffle connoisseur!
Unitedworld institute of design
Relocate? Yes
Bike, basketball, loud voice and tomboyish behaviour all together.
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I flew from Russia to the US alone when I was 9 years old!
Hereford College of Arts
South West
Relocate? No
I have stroked a stingray
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? No
Hobbies and outside interests : Formula 1, Tap Dance, Movies !
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University for the Creative Arts
Relocate? Yes
Puns can be funny if used in the correct context!
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I have a tattoo of a garden slug on my leg #sluglife
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
Most who know me would tell you I get easily distracted by the sky
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I love food more than I love myself. I might need therapy for that.
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I sell custom handpainted shoes to stay creative - IG @aliceemiliart
University of Westminster
Relocate? No
I had a dog with the same name as me!
Loughborough University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I live in an old lemonade factory !
University of Huddersfield
Relocate? No
I'm bit of a mad sneakerhead!
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? No
I'm pretty sure I have masklophobia (eeeeek)!
Arts University Bournemouth
South East
Relocate? Yes
I Still wear Heelys every day
Ravensbourne University
South East
Relocate? No
I've ridden an elephant in India, fan of animals in general
SHIP Your Virtual Wingman
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
When life gives you lemonade make lemons. Life will be all like 'what'
Uxbridge College Level 3 Extended Diploma
Relocate? No
I was making YouTube videos at the age of 13
Ravensbourne University London
Relocate? No
I'm a vinyl enthusiast and have a strange addiction to baking shows
Relocate? Yes
I can't run but shuffled my way through the Paris marathon.
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
I am addicted to corduroy clothes.
Ravensbourne University
Relocate? No
I wish I was besties with Ozzy Osbourne and Rik Mayall !!
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Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I designed and wore my own bread accessories.
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? No
I picked up baking from lockdown. Pizza rolls is my fave to make!
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Arts University Bournemouth
South West
Relocate? No
I'm an amateur runner - my goal for this year is half marathon
Nottingham Trent University
North East
Relocate? Yes
Professional Fake Canadian
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
Often found during weekends either in Waterstones or Forbidden Planet
Napier University
Relocate? Yes
I once cleaned Rod Stewarts hotel room, and jumped on the bed.
London School of Communication, University of the Arts London
Relocate? No
I'm an accent magpie - I collect, dissect and treasure them.
Coventry University
Relocate? No
I am half Italian and I have never been to Italy
Shout Out To Help Out placeholder image
Ravensbourne university
Relocate? No
Using design for social change, ensuring my work advocates questioning
Portsmouth University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I have recently taken up learning to roller skate and paddle board.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? No
I'm grade one in the Oboe!
University Of Huddersfield
North East
Relocate? No
I like cats.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I love all things 'yella'!
University Of The Arts, London
Relocate? Yes
I am a problem solver and visual storyteller.
University of Hertfordshire
South East
Relocate? No
I once skyped 'Phoebe' from the Tv show 'Friends'.
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? No
I'm both a dog and a cat person. I cannot decide.
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
Thought Clifford the Big Red Dog was my relation when I was younger!
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I can crochet ! Very into making granny square cardigans & bucket hats
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? No
I once snapped my knee ligaments skiing in France - pain was felt
Brixton Finishing School
Relocate? Yes
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
Ultimate style icon - Honda e
University for the Creative Arts
Relocate? No
I once jump started kenny dalglish's car
Arts University Bournemouth
Relocate? Yes
Amateur tattooist (obsessed)
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? No
Determined to make an impact for our future generations.
Abigael martyn
Nottingham Trent University
North East
Relocate? No
I illustrated a book in 2018 that aids learning in Shakespeare at GCSE
Loughborough University
Relocate? No
I have double-jointed fingers
Daxters project for Wimpy
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
(Lilo &) Stitch Lover, Full-Time Portuguese and 11 year old Scout
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? No
I am right handed but play darts/golf with my left
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
Aged 6, I cracked my head open playing kiss-chase. Still have the scar
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
Podcaster and lover of hand crafts & illustration.
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
my blood is 65% garlic
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I can sound like Justin Beiber if you're severly deaf in both ears.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I do amateur game dev stuff, and host a small book club for creatives!