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Abhinav college of arts
Relocate? Yes
Designer & art director with a focus on branding & Identity
Ravensbourne University london
Relocate? No
I am a self-trained mixologist, check out Jolly In The Trolly on Insta
MA Advertising - UAL, BA Eng. Lit. - KCL
South East
Relocate? Yes
I'm an avid amateur boxer.
Falmouth University - Graduated in July 2023
South West
Relocate? Yes
I consider myself a sushi connoisseur
Northumbria University
Relocate? Yes
Grave fear of horses, but if there was one standing between me and th
University of Edinburgh
Relocate? Yes
I'm Curious, Creative, and for the sake of this, and you, Concise.
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Arts University Bournemouth
Relocate? Yes
A crochet-loving foodie, who would eat sushi for breakfast.
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University of Greenwich
Relocate? No
I like to host music events and I watch dark humour memes when free.
Buckinghamshire New University
Relocate? Yes
I have a passion for crochet
University of Sheffield
South West
Relocate? Yes
Lived in 5 countries and a postcard collector
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University of Westminster
Relocate? Yes
I played viola for about 3 years in school, quit on a random Tuesday.
Abhinav college of arts
South East
Relocate? No
An experienced Art Director working in the industry for over 9 years.
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Goldsmiths, University of London
Relocate? No
After suffering from sciatica, I developed a love for pole fitness.
Arts University Bournemouth
Relocate? No
Big lover of drag and the over-the-top camp aesthetic
Syracuse University
Relocate? Yes
I have 23 food allergies – one includes celery (which is 95% water)
University of Westminster
North West
Relocate? No
As a hobby, I collect old and unique coins and love antiques!
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? No
With four nationalities I would be a great spy...I chose advertising.
The University of Bolton
Relocate? No
I love the smell of freshly cut grass.
University Of hertfordshire
North West
Relocate? Yes
I'm a failed acrobat (I was hit by a car and did a front flip over it)
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University for the Creative Arts
Relocate? No
Once I had an undefeated football season and met Gary Lineker
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Buckinghamshire New University
Relocate? Yes
Half Italian and a lesbian
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University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
Passionate about travel and Taylor Swift!
Bachelor degree
North West
Relocate? Yes
Fighting battles with a smile since 2001.
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Anglia Ruskin University
Relocate? No
I'm constantly trying to beat my time at the Wiki Game
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Bucks New Uni
Relocate? Yes
I created my own social club for new creatives to meet each other
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? No
I can wiggle my eyes
Leeds Arts University
North West
Relocate? Yes
"Angels" Robbie Williams. Butchered it happily :)
Leeds arts University
North West
Relocate? Yes
'I miss you'. Blink 182. Karaoke. Smashed it.
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Buckinghamshire New University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I still cry at the Lion King
North Carolina State University
North East
Relocate? No
I moonlight as a food scientist 🔬
University of the Arts London
Relocate? No
When I am up in the air, I'm an aspiring aerialist.
Northumbria University
Relocate? Yes
I recently found out I'm fourth cousins with George Michael....
Norwich University of the Art's
Relocate? Yes
I'm a puzzle, hiking and handcraft enthusiast.
Bournemouth University
Relocate? Yes
I'm one for travelling and trying the weirdest foods I can - aka freak
University of West London
Relocate? Yes
I have a very strong photographic memory, therefore nothing gets by me
Nottingham Trent University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I dream in black and white
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
I will always say yes to a musical, drag show or football match.
Edingburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
While watching Marvel's What If..., I drank half a bottle of whiskey.
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
I am Italian but I am not a good cook .
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I own more kitchen appliances then I have kitchen space.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? Yes
I'm half Italian (and no, I'm not tanned!)
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? Yes
I'm a big fan of canoeing and fluent in two languages.
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? No
My feet are double jointed lol
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I've been an Ice Cream Man for the last 5 years. I am Mr Whippy.
Norwich University of the Arts
North East
Relocate? Yes
I've been hit by a car on three occasions (I'm pretty I'm un-killable)
Norwich University of The Arts
South East
Relocate? No
I'm fluent in 2 languages
Norwich University of the Arts
Relocate? No
I've climbed more mountains than there are mounts in my name
Leeds Art University
North East
Relocate? Yes
Love a good bicky and a brew, the best Bicky is a HobNob, just saying
Falmouth University
Relocate? No
I once danced for the Royal Ballet School, it didn't go well.
Falmouth University
Relocate? No
I once got offered trails for Tottenham Hotspur.
University for creative arts
Relocate? Yes
I've been trying to sign up to become a sky diving instructor
Nancy Hewson
Leeds Arts University
North West
Relocate? No
I wear crocs pretty much everyday. An elite shoe.
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? No
My favourite animal is a capybara, I adopted one called Jinx :)
Loughborough University - BA Graphic Communication & Illustration
Relocate? No
Lover of all things film, music and food (especially sushi).
University for the creative arts
Relocate? No
I'm a manga and anime super-fan
Falmouth University
Relocate? No
I’m an amateur circus performer and love eating fire
University for the Creative Arts
Relocate? No
Our idols are Bob Mortimer and Paul Whitehouse
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I am a huge F1 fan and will watch every single race!
Edinburgh Collage of Art
Relocate? Yes
I drove from the Uk to Mongolia in a Skoda Fabia Estate
Loughborough University
Relocate? No
I appeared in an episode of ‘Science of Stupid’ with Richard Hammond.
School of Communication Arts 2.0
Relocate? No
In an other lifetime I was a ballet and an opera singer
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
I grow and pickle my own cucumbers.
Loughborough University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I have a Brown Belt in Karate
Nottingham Trent University
North West
Relocate? Yes
I'm a passionate truffle connoisseur!
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University for the Creative Arts
Relocate? Yes
Puns can be funny if used in the correct context!
norwich university of the arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I am a huge fan of ethical design
Chelsea College
Relocate? Yes
I love a good dance
Norwich University of the Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I sell custom handpainted shoes to stay creative - IG @aliceemiliart
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? No
Obsessed with painting and just bought a canvas too big for my flat
Leeds Art University
Relocate? Yes
I spend my weekends vlogging for my YouTube Channel
Ravensbourne University
Relocate? No
I wish I was besties with Ozzy Osbourne and Rik Mayall !!
University of Portsmouth
South East
Relocate? Yes
I'm an avid board game enthusiast and a big The Office fan.
University of Hertfordshire
South East
Relocate? No
I am in the 10-20% of people that can wiggle their ears!
London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
South East
Relocate? Yes
I'm a one woman marketing machine for street food vendors.
BA Advertising (Hons) - University of the Arts London 2017-2020, Social Media Management - Netology 2019; International Introduction to the study of Design and Media Communications - LCC (UAL) 2016 - 2017
Relocate? Yes
I have a herbarium collection!:)
School of Communication Arts 2.0
Relocate? No
I have made a giant caricature head made from paper mache
University for the Creative Arts Farnham
Relocate? Yes
I collect shot glasses from around the world
Napier University
Relocate? Yes
I once cleaned Rod Stewarts hotel room, and jumped on the bed.
University for the Creative Arts Farnham
South East
Relocate? No
I once offered David Beckham pizza
Payton's image for cros campaign
University for the Creative Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
Saw Wiz Khalifa bowling on holiday
London School of Communication, University of the Arts London
Relocate? No
I'm an accent magpie - I collect, dissect and treasure them.
Portsmouth University
South East
Relocate? Yes
I have recently taken up learning to roller skate and paddle board.
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
Obsessed with Macarons, which I make on a weekly basis!
University for the Creative Arts
Relocate? No
There isn't a biscuit I don’t enjoy
University of Lincoln
Relocate? No
I own over 2000 postcards.
Nottingham Trent University
Relocate? No
I'm grade one in the Oboe!
University of Lincoln
Relocate? No
My childhood footballing hero talks to me on Twitter
University of Plymouth
South West
Relocate? No
I love to cook! My favourite thing to make is dumplings from scratch
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
Our combined movie and TikTok references are unparalleled
Leeds Arts University
Relocate? No
I have sung at the Royal Albert Hall
Bournemouth University
Relocate? No
I have an incredible obsession with the Titanic (the real Ship)!
University Of The Arts, London
Relocate? Yes
I am a problem solver and visual storyteller.
Lolly Creative
Falmouth University (MA)
Relocate? No
Founders of the totally unofficial Falmouth Whiff-Whaff Society.
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? No
At 14 I spent 2 months learning Esperanto, to then totally forget it.
Buckinghamshire New University
Relocate? No
We adopted a magpie named Robbie during the heatwave
Relocate? Yes
I can do many things... Taking care of an open wound is one of them.
University of the Arts London
Relocate? No
Bacon in milkshakes. 'nuff said.
School of Communcation Arts 2.0
Relocate? Yes
Good sense of smell. I memorised all the main commercial fragrances.
Miami Ad School Brazil
Relocate? No
I was a lifeguard and a swimming teacher.
University of the Arts London
Relocate? No
We are obsessed with getting rid of stray, fallen hair from everywhere
Bucks Ad School
Relocate? No
We are the weird yet wonderful combination of Croydon and Cornwall.
Buckinghamshire New University
Relocate? No
Part-Part-Time Twitch Streamer who hates losing but loses often.
Bucks Ad School
Relocate? No
Kia makes people's nudes into earrings & Georgia LOVES clay moulding.
Buckinghamshire New University
Relocate? No
We are the height of 23 and 22 Jenga blocks respectively
Relocate? No
Dale Winton once gave me the once over in the street.
Brixton Finishing School
Relocate? Yes
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
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Watford Ad Course
Relocate? No
We can catch liquids with our bare hands.
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
I am also a mixologist, so I can make a mean espresso martini
University for the Creative Arts, Farnham
South East
Relocate? Yes
I once created some hair pieces that were used in the film King Arthur
Norwich University of The Arts
South East
Relocate? Yes
I once competed for my County in a girls tug of war team!
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
Brewing my own (bear-) beer with it's personal branding.
Ultimate style icon - Honda e
University for the Creative Arts
Relocate? No
I once jump started kenny dalglish's car
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School of Communication Arts 2.0
Relocate? No
Freddie once lulled a screaming baby on a flight using only a haiku.
University of Lincoln
Relocate? No
We've visited witchdoctors, pretended to be Kim K & love Chris Kamara
Hanna and Diana image
University of the Arts London, London College of Communication
Relocate? No
The highlight of our year is Eurovision- nothing will ever beat it
Edinburgh Napier University
Relocate? Yes
I am an ordained minister. Did it online. May not be legit.
Anjli Sisodiya
University of Hertfordshire
Relocate? Yes
Climbed the highest mountain in Africa, Mt Kilimanjaro.
Mica Helger
Ravensbourne University
Relocate? No
I love the silence after watching a great movie
Nottingham Trent University
North West
Relocate? No
My coping mechanism is bleaching my hair and REwatching sense8.